Leaderboard Archives
National Champion - Mark Holgate (Adelaide Swordsmanship Academy)
State Champions
Queensland - Kristian Guivarra (Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy)
New South Wales - n/a
Victoria - Nelson McGuigan (Melbourne Messer Club)
South Australia - Mark Holgate (Adelaide Swordsmanship Academy)
Western Australia -James Campbell (Ursa Major HEMA Academy)
Tasmania - n/a
Longsword Champion - Mark Holgate (Adelaide Swordsmanship Academy)
Sabre Champion - Mark Holgate (Adelaide Swordsmanship Academy)
Rapier Champion - Mark Holgate (Adelaide Swordsmanship Academy)
Strongest Club - Scholar Victoria
2022 Archived Leaderboard
Honours 2022
National Champion - Mark Holgate (Adelaide Swordsmanship Academy)
State Champions
Queensland - Geraud Lemenager (Sword Fighter)
New South Wales - Lev Bystritskiy (Big Tree Combat Club)
Victoria - Nelson McGuigan (Melbourne Messer Club)
South Australia - Mark Holgate (Adelaide Swordsmanship Academy)
Western Australia - n/a
Tasmania - n/a
Longsword Champion - Daniel Romano (Scholar Victoria)
Sabre Champion - Nelson McGuigan (Melbourne Messer Club)
Strongest Club - Scholar Victoria
Longsword Leaderboard 2022
Sabre Leaderboard 2022
2020 Archived Leaderboard
HONOURS - 2020
National Champion - Daniel Pope (Scholar Victoria)
State Champions
Queensland - Vesselin Petkov (Cairns European Sword Academy)
New South Wales - n/a
Victoria - Daniel Pope (Scholar Victoria)
South Australia - Ben Keiler (Adelade Swordsmanship Academy)
Western Australia - n/a
Tasmania - n/a
2020 Archived Leaderboard
HONOURS - 2019
National Champion - Daniel Green (Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy)
State Champions
Queensland - Daniel Green (Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy)
New South Wales - Toby Lunn (Big Tree Combat Club)
Victoria - Daniel Pope (Scholar Victoria)
South Australia - Mark Holgate (Adelaide Swordsmanship Academy)
Western Australia - James Campbell (House Darksun)
Tasmania - n/a
2018 Archived Leaderboard
HONOURS - 2018
National Champion - Christopher Godwin (Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola)
Strongest Club - Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
Strongest State - Queensland
Longsword Champion - Christopher Godwin (Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola)
Rapier Co-Champions - Christopher Godwin (ASSS) and Emma Fowler (Sword Fighter)
State Champions
Queensland - Christopher Godwin (Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola)
New South Wales - Toby Lunn (Big Tree Combat Club)
Victoria - Daniel Pope (Scholar Victoria)
South Australia - Mark Holgate (Adelade Swordsmanship Academy)
Western Australia - James Campbell (House Darksun)
Tasmania - n/a
2018 Longsword
2018 Rapier
2017 Archived Leaderboard
Honours - 2017
National Champion - Christopher Godwin (Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola.)
Strongest Club - Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
Strongest State - Queensland
State Champions
Queensland - Christopher Godwin (Australis Scherma Scuola di Spada e Sciabola)
New South Wales - Toby Lunn (Big Tree Combat Club)
Victoria - Woody Craig (School of Historical Fencing)
South Australia - Mark Holgate (Adelade Swordsmanship Academy)
Western Australia - James Campbell (House Darksun)
Tasmania - n/a
2017 Longsword Rankings
2016 - Archived Leaderboard
Honours - 2016
National Champion - James Campbell (House Darksun)
Rookie of the Year - unavailable
Strongest Club - Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy
Strongest State - Queensland
State Champions
Western Australia - James Campbell (House Darksun)
Queensland - Daniel Green (Vanguard Swordsmanship Academy)
New South Wales - n/a
Victoria - Gindi Wauchope (School of Historical Fencing)
South Australia - Mark Holgate (Adelade Swordsmanship Academy)
Tasmania - n/a